Thinking about death

I have been thinking about death a lot. Not the suicidal way.

Knowing that each one of us will taste death, and in that moment nothing in life will matters anymore. Slowly, we will cease to exist, and no one cares. Only our loved ones will remember us. But they too will be caught up with their life.

People will talk. For a moment. On how we use to be. The good and the bad. Let us pray mostly the good ones, I hope.

But when they took the steps from our grave, slowly their thoughts will be consumed by other things. And in time, we will be forgotten. And we cannot blame them. As that is how life is. We are expected to move on and keep on living.

I don't think it is sad, because we will be dead to know it anyway.

And death never is untimely. It is always on time.

Islam encourages people to always keep death in mind. Again, not in a bad suicidal maniac way.

In a way that, when you want to do something good, hasten it. Because you can die at any moment, and you might miss the opportunity.

When you want to do something bad, think about death. What happen to you when you die doing something your God will not be happy for.

Every action of ours will be held accountable. So, behave, as death might happen to you at any time, and you don't have the time to repent.

Don't be too serious and caught up with these worldly matters such as work and collecting wealth, as all of that doesn't matter when you die. Enjoy this life while you can. Take a moment and praise God for what he has given you.

This world is a temporary place for us believers, and death will be the released that we crave. For the believers that are longing the eternal afterlife and the sinners that are trying to be immortal in this world. Avoiding their punishment as long as they can.

Just like breathing, death will happen to us naturally. In time. When we are meant to leave this life.

Are we ready yet?

Love, Ordinarily Existing